Welcome to Byley Primary School and Nursery. We are a small, friendly village school in the heart of rural Cheshire - right on the East/West border.
I am delighted and proud to be the Headteacher of Byley Primary School and Nursery since 2021.
By providing a safe, happy, stimulating and engaging learning environment, I believe that children are inspired to be the very best that they can be. The needs of the children are always paramount in the life and decision making within a school. I think it is crucial to involve the children and their families as partners in their education. I understand how vital working in partnership with parents is in order for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience.
As a school, I hope that you continue to find us approachable; we will listen to any thoughts, worries or concerns you may have – particularly in the uncertainty of the current climate. You can be assured that, as Headeacher, I will strive to ensure that your children are safe and happy at Byley Primary School and Nursey and that their learning experiences are exciting, creative and meaningful.
Byley Primary School and Nursery will continue to be...
A place for all of us to 'Grow Together' and 'Branch Out'.
Elizabeth Whittingham
School opening times:
Gates open 8:40am School starts - 8:50am.
Lunchtime 12:00 - 1:00.
End of the school day - 3:20pm
Byley Busy Buddies (wrap around care)
Breakfast Club - 7:45 - school stards
After School Club - from the end of the school day - 6:00pm
If you have any queries regarding the admission of your child to our school, please contact us.
Byley Primary School,
Moss Lane,
Byley, Nr Middlewich
CW10 9NG
Tel: 01606 832519
email: head@byley.cheshire.sch.uk or admin@byley.cheshire.sch.uk