Secret Storyteller

Lesson: Literacy

Class: Nursery and Reception Year: 2017 - 2018

To promote the importance of Reading/Literacy, we would like to invite parents (or grandparents, aunties or uncles) into school to read their child’s favourite story to the class. The idea is that the secret storyteller will sneak into school and read a story to the class, without letting the child they are linked to know! The book choice is up to you - it could be your favourite from when you were little or your child's favourite.  If you think you would like to become a "secret storyteller" please have a quiet word with me/send me note or email saying when would be convenient for you to come in.

We have been so lucky to have many parents (grandparents and aunties!) come to read to the class since the start of the year.

Take a look at some of these special memories.


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