Ready for the break!

Date: 24th Feb 2017 @ 7:49pm

The big news in the last week of half term was without doubt the spelling test that we did on Tuesday and Wednesday.  This was the test for the 200 High Frequency Words that the children brought home in January.  At Christmas we attempted this for the first time and last week sawour second attempt but this time havig practised at home.  Wow, thanks to your help, nearly all the children improved their scores from December, some by as many as 35!  The children were rightly very proud of their achievments and can now work towards their Y3/4 words with re-newed confidence.

We're back to normal spellings this week, and I hope you have found the sheet all set for Monday's test.  If not it is on the website.

Elsewhere, we worked really hard on finishing off those bits of work that needed doing.  This included bits of topic and science and geography and RE, anything really!  The children worked with great care and attention to create some beautiful work for their topic books.

Some of this wonderful work can be found in the gallery on the site, where you can see the coil pots we made and brought home on Friday.

When we come back we will be looking at islands in English, reading stories and wrting around this theme.  In Maths we are looking at money in Year 3 and division in Year 4.  Our new science topic is electricty and in RE we will be exploring Sikhism.  We are carrying on with our Egyptian topic and I hope that you have had some wonderful ideas for our presentations due for the last week in term.  Can't wait!

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